"It is not too far a cry,
too much to try,
to help the least of these.
Politics will not decide
if we should rise
and be Your hands and feet."
Hillsong United
I proudly admit that I cower in the face of heated debate. When it ignites, I wither unashamedly. Aside from the man and a certain select few, my political opinions are tucked deeply into crevices that only my Maker has claim to. I don't display them for notoriety. I don't display them for public ridicule. I don't display them for approval. I don't display them for reproach. My political opinions are a personal dialogue between myself and the God that fills these undeserving lungs with breath. He doesn't mock. He doesn't disregard my thoughts as inferior. He doesn't accuse. He listens intently to the internal conflict that plagues this very heart in the midst of political mayhem; innately human in it's very essence. He leads me. He guides me. He calms me. He just is.
So, seldom do I provide a political voice in a public forum, but the man's so graciously presented me with words that I couldn't selfishly keep to myself. Hear my heart:
"We live in a democracy, a representative form of government, where it's as much if not more our responsibility to love and take care of our neighbors than our politician's responsibility. Real and lasting change comes from knowing and loving the folks who live in the houses that sit next to ours rather than saving all of our longing and hope for the voting booth...
Even greater than our forefather's sacrifices are those of our heavenly Father, who also shed blood in order to stir in us an allegiance greater than that of nation. We have an ultimate allegiance to our King and the Kingdom he's building in and through us that trumps all others...
Our ultimate hope is not in politicians or powers or governments, but in a day coming when all things will be made right. And our ultimate concern isn't success but faithfulness."
Derek Webb.
Caedmon's Call. Founder of NoiseTrade.
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