Wednesday, October 15, 2008

gourds galore.

I spent the better part of thirty minutes this afternoon perusing the 2/$1.00 bargain bin of Harris Teeter's finest ornamental pumpkins and gourds. Yes, seriously. You jest, but it brought a pretty permanent smile to this face that, mind you, I've clearly still managed to keep for an impressive five hours. As if the 2/$1.00 deal wasn't rewarding enough, these (12) lovely replicas of everything I adamantly adore about fall rung up at a mere and beautifully low 19 cents. Yes, 19 cents. And yes, 12. Overindulging on the inexpensive is a forte of mine. Suppression of said overindulgence just wasn't an option.

I'd be an impressive liar if I told you...
I didn't have a thing for glass jars, either.

I'd also be an impressive liar if I told you...
I wasn't already planning a second trip in the back of my mind.

One for the flowers...

Another for the gourds.

Sigh. The completion of a gourd-eous afternoon's work.
(Yes, I anticipated the pun. No, I didn't expect it to inflict ab-numbing giggle fits.)


Lauren and Justin said...

nikki. seriously? which harris teeter?????????????? you didn't invite me?? (i am going today!)

a simple seeker said...

I'm sure you've found your way by now, but if I'm catching you before you've ventured out for blissful gourd perusing, Harris Teeter on Guilford College is a gourd meca. Literally.

I can't wait to see you what you found if you've already made your trek. If not, enjoy yourself shopping, love. You'll be in heaven.