Wednesday, October 1, 2008

a simple introduction.

So, ever since the conception of this blog- which was, in fact, yesterday, so not the most valid of statements- rather the conception of the thought of this blog, I've been eager to lavish it lovingly with photos. Photos of the husband... of our nest. Photos of my ever-so valiant attempts at creativity. Photos of places... of moments. Ones that define me in a most genuine way. Ones that fit. So, with every ounce of mustered enthusiasm- which, mind you, is immense- here, the graceful imperfections of this ladies' life.

Meet David.

Simply, this man...
is my sweetest asset.

Solace-sought retirement in Jamaica? Yes, please.

My heart swells with this one.

Crowd control...
glorified babysitting...
crafting thank you notes.
i.e., Teacher's Assistant.

To avoid over-indulging, I'll save the rest for future lavishing...

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